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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling


China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. A country with a population of over 1.4 billion people and loads of local trade and foreign investments. These factors fuel a need for quality employees. There has been a lot of misconceptions about life in China, so here are 10 reasons working in China is good for you!

#1 Job scale:

Last year China created a whopping 13 million new jobs according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. The most popular options for foreigners are teaching jobs, due to the high demand and relatively low standards for qualifying candidates. For this, you could apply through an agency such as . The experience of living and teaching in China is worth it, but there are also several other job positions through which you could gain quality experience and enjoy the cultural diversity.

#2 Salary: It's often misconstrued, that because of the lower cost of living and that the local Chinese citizens pay is relatively competitive to most of southeast Asia that the same goes for expat workers. But, foreign workers in most fields, Chinese employers try to stay in line with more international pay standards. Moreover, high quality foreigner talent will likely get paid 60%- 150% higher than the local standards. You can save thousands of dollars a year due to low cost of living and benefits like generous health care packages, travel and house allowances, and it’s very common for large Chinese companies to even provide free meals at lunch and dinner for their staff.

#3 Economic opportunity:

No doubt, you must have heard about China’s economic prowess or else you probably wouldn’t be reading this article. China is amassing lots of wealth by the day and its citizens are proud of it. This implies that you have a higher chance of getting a comfortable job jam packed with benefits and secure a quick promotion soon.

#4 Low cost of living:

While working in China, you’ll discover that a great apartment in the center of the capital can cost as little as $500 per month. A quality Chinese meal for example, can go for as little as $2.00, including a cold beer! Public transportation is ever expanding, and the price is not! A metro card can cost as low as $1.00 and your daily commute to and from work over a months’ time won’t exceed $15.00. So, it's easy to work and save lots of cash in China.

#5 Language experience:

learning the language in China is not as difficult as you think, it is much easier than French, English and even German. Another misconception about China is that the spoken language is as complicated as the written language. True, there are more than 6,000 Chinese characters but the spoken language in many cases is a much simpler and blunt language in comparison to English. Although it might take a couple of years for you to be professional level fluent, if you know the basic vocabulary, then in no time, you'll be chatting comfortably with the locals.

#6 Amazing social life:

The city life offers a good variety of social events with lots of restaurants, bars and clubs if you're looking for a good night. You'll also be surprised at the cultural diversity within the theaters, concerts, exhibitions and all throughout each city. The only issue is that you must plan your time properly. Most large Chinese cities do offer plenty to do but you can experience massive congestion during peak transit hours such as 6:00 p.m. (dinner time).

#7 Western influence:

When you get to China, you'll discover that there are a lot of foreigners, especially big cities. Since the 1980 and early 1990s China has been more and more open to western ideals and life standards. Although China defiantly has its own culture it is extremely welcoming of others and even celebrates sharing our differences with one another. In certain places, you'll even find yourself surrounded by western shops, cinemas, and burger joints: this you can find in any popular city around the world and it’s no different in China.


#8 The beauty of China: China is outstandingly beautiful. Talking about the travel experience, it includes floating down the Li-river in Giulia, horse riding in the grassland of inner Mongolia, camel racing in the Gobi Desert, hiking the tiger leaping George in Yunnan, visiting the ministry on snow tipped mountains. It's a beauty to behold.

#9 Accessibility to other regions:

China is for sure a good start for an Asian travel adventure, it links up easily to various Asian countries and within hours, you’ll find yourself there. One-hour north from Beijing to Seoul, three hours west to Tokyo, four hours south to Bangkok, and five hours to Singapore. Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Vietnam, India, Nepal, Thailand, and Laos all can be reached by train.

#10 Work in your spare time:

There are lots of rewarding volunteering programs in China that you can engage in during your spare time. You can combine jobs like teaching and working.

If you have been looking for the life changing opportunity, this could be the right opportunity for you. You never know, China could help you achieve that perfect experience you have always desired.

If you do decide to make that move to the far east, I highly recommend considering support from an experienced and reliable agency to help make your transition smooth and seamless!


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