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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling


If you find yourself with the chance to invest in a business idea, do it with caution. You need to be aware of the liability, the valuation of the business, your timeline and exit strategy. During my decades of raising money capital and start-ups, I have spent them either investing in private Companies or helping investors and companies connect through the right platform.



In my experience, here are the top 5 things you need to know before you invest in that idea:


1、take a step back and ensure it aligns with your KPI 先后退一步,确保它与您的关键绩效指标保持一致

I tell my clients that the worst thing you can do is to invest in a new business because you think it’s an exciting opportunity. The problem with business ideas is that everyone seems to be interesting at first, but only few are able to stand the test of time. Ensure you keep it aside and think about other things. By the time you go back to it and you still feel excited and interested like before, then you can consider going for it. In order to have this kind of test proofs and checks, it is important you establish your KPI's early as you come across the idea. That is what I do before I consider investing in a particular start-up and, it has been a great tool that I use for my clients too.



2、Have a strategic, planning process 制定战略,规划流程

Just as you have encountered that idea and it seems so perfect to you. It is very important you have a strategic approach towards the idea before investing in it. You should have a clear understanding of the following components: target market, market size and growth, unique value proposition, target customers, competitive landscape, product roadmap, long-term plan, your key milestones, especially over the next four years. The strategic plan should also include how you would utilize the idea to make money which includes your gross margin, your customer acquisition cost, total value.



3、Analyze the pros and cons 分析利弊

You have to rank your idea on a business scale, it is very important you take note of this factor. "I am always thinking of new projects or business ideas to help grow my business in the liquor industry and so I get to develop a statement to implement them. I design the plan, implementation and I write out the pros and cons list. With this, I am able to analyze the idea and make a good final decision on it". This is one thing I help new investors achieve whenever they consult me on an idea. For those that want to invest in private companies, ensure you get to see the CEO or his representative, so that you get to discuss this with him before placing your investment into such business.



4、Is this what people want? 这是人们想要的吗?

The idea might seem so interesting, it's always important to test them, by interacting with your target customers in the real world. Do this before you invest a lot of resources into the business. I carry out this survey a lot, both for my business and for my clients. I get feedback for them from real world consumers and also, don't be afraid of people stealing your idea. I see so many entrepreneurs starting up businesses and creating new products without even taking a survey as to whether there is a market for them or if such product or services is needed by the people. This can be detrimental to the life span of such a business.



5、The goal and success 目标和成功

Without a clear picture of what success will look like for a given project/idea you're about to invest in, it becomes difficult to tell whether you're on track. By defining your business success and goals, you can easily measure the project and tell if it's reaching the desired objective.

如果没有清晰地了解您将要投资的给定项目/想法将取得什么样的成功,那么很难判断你是否步入正轨。 通过定义你的业务成功和目标,您可以轻松地衡量项目并判断项目是否达到了预期目标。

To reach success, your idea has to achieve its goals. As consultants, we get credits and success when we have helped our clients achieve their goals at their various investment plans and business start-ups. Therefore, I will advise that you have a success road map of that particular idea you want to invest in so that you can easily determine whether your Investment is yielding a positive result or not.

为了获得成功,你的想法必须实现其目标。 作为顾问,当我们帮助客户在各种投资计划和业务初创企业中实现其目标时,我们便会获得信誉和成功。 因此,我建议你针对您要投资的特定想法制定成功的路线图,以便您可以轻松确定您的投资是否取得了积极的成果。

For more information do not hesitate to ask us.



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