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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

An Overview of the Chinese Liquor Market in 2019 中国2019年烈酒市场一览

Baijiu will always remain the MVP of spirits in China with a market share of about 90%. However, in recent years despite its dominance, there has been a tremendous shift in Chinese consumers and their consumption habits, consumers have developed a taste for premium foreign spirits. According to Jakob Manthey, a researcher at the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy in Dresden, Germany, prior to the 1990s, alcohol was consumed at its highest in Europe but today the pattern has changed. The highest consumption of alcoholic beverages is in countries such as China, India, and Vietnam. With China sweeping in and overtaking traditional markets like France and the UK.

白酒将始终保持中国烈酒市场的MVP,其市场份额约为90%。然而近年来,尽管白酒占领着市场高地,中国消费者及其消费习惯也发生了巨大变化,他们开始对高档洋酒产生了兴趣。 根据德国德累斯顿临床心理与心理治疗研究所的研究员雅各布·曼西,在1990年代之前,酒精最高消费量是在欧洲,但如今这种模式已经改变。酒类饮品的最高消费量是在中国,印度和越南等国家。中国席卷而来,并赶超了法国和英国等传统市场。


It is estimated that by 2020, the liquor market in China will be worth a whopping $21.7billion. At the moment, the Chinese liquor market is flourishing, and savvy spirit exporters from around the world are seizing this huge expansion opportunity like never before. As the Chinese middle class grows, so too does the demand for high-end western spirits like Cognac, Chivas, Martell, etc. Brandy, Whisky, and Vodka have won the hearts of the younger generation who hugely influence the alcohol culture in China. This unprecedented growth the Chinese liquor market is experiencing has just begun, experts predict that the current numbers will grow steadily for the next 5 years. Growing at an annual rate (CAGR) of 15%, this is a unique market opportunity for Western liquor brands. In fact, let's take a closer look at the current Chinese liquor trends as well as some of the reasons why every western liquor exporter worth his salt should be in China now.

据估计,到2020年,中国白酒的市场价值将达到217亿美元。目前,中国白酒市场正在蓬勃发展,来自世界各地的精明烈酒出口商正前所未有般地抓住这一巨大的扩张机会。 随着中国中产阶级的发展,对干邑白兰地,芝华士,马爹利等高端洋酒的需求也在增长。白兰地,威士忌和伏特加赢得了年轻一代的青睐,他们也极大地影响了中国的酒文化。中国烈酒市场的发展才刚刚开始,专家预测,在未来的五年中,当前的数字将稳定增长。15%的复合年均增长率对于西方烈酒品牌来说是难得的市场机会。接着,让我们仔细研究一下当前中国白酒的发展趋势以及为什么每个合格的洋酒出口商现在都应当在中国市场占有一定份额。


The Current Chinese Liquor Market Trends


The growing demand for Western spirits


Statistics from the China Association of Imports and Exports for Wine and Spirits show that in the past year or so, the value of spirits being imported increased by 37.75%, reaching an all-time high of up to $807 million. At the top of the food chain of international spirits consumed in China is Cognac. In fact, China now ranks as the world's 3rd highest importer of Cognac, according to the Bureau National Interprofessionnel du Cognac (BNIC), championed by the United States and Singapore respectively.


Recently, other spirits such as whiskey, vodka, gin, tequila, and mezcal are riding on the cognac wave, benefitting from the rising income of the young Chinese middle-class and their thirst for Western spirits. A GlobalData report estimates that over the period of 2016-2021, tequila and mezcal will grow 21.6% CAGR. Instances of such growth have already been recorded in neighboring Hong Kong with brands like Mezcalito and Los Sotano that specialize in tequila and mezcal.

最近,威士忌,伏特加,金酒,龙舌兰和梅斯卡尔酒等其他烈酒正在白兰地浪潮中受益,这得益于年轻的中国中产阶级收入的增长和他们对洋酒的需求。 Global Data的一份报告估计,在2016年至2021年期间,龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔酒的复合年均增长率将达到21.6%。 这样的增长已经在香港出现,其中包括Mezcalito和Los Sotano等专门从事龙舌兰酒和梅斯卡尔酒的品牌。


Why You should be considering China?


1. A Double-Digit Growth Rate 两位数的增长率

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, you’ll know that with a population of more than 1.3billion people, a fast-growing economy and an ever-growing middle-class with high levels of disposable income, the trajectory of the Chinese market is nothing short of spectacular, the liquor niche included.


The primary factor behind this rise in the Chinese spirits market is the tremendous double-digit economic growth that gave birth to an extravagant middle-class with the desire to experiment with new things and a lot of money to spend. Their income is so discretional that even a slight dip in overall economic performance has little or no impact on the premium end of the market.

中国烈酒市场崛起背后的主要因素是巨大的两位数经济增长率,催生了奢侈的中产阶级,他们渴望尝试新鲜事物和消费大量金钱。 他们的收入是可自由支配的,因此即使整体经济表现略有下降,对高端市场也几乎没有影响。


2. A Millennial Driven Market 千禧一代的市场驱动力

The rise of new millennial generation Chinese has resulted in changing tastes, preferences, and behaviors all around the country. Young millennials are driving the market to unimaginable lengths. The older generation bought expensive foreign spirits only for special occasions or as part of the gifting culture. Millennials on the other hand view consuming expensive western spirits as social prestige and part of a trendy lifestyle. The younger generation has also acquired a taste for bar culture, with outlets such as cocktail bars and lounges popping up in cities around China. This used to be a western concept replicated mostly in 1st and 2nd tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai, but today it’s found everywhere in China from Shenzhen to Chongqing and Suzhou in between. This hipster demographic is finding new ways to drink, everything goes, from bars, festivals, and special events such as Single’s Day on November 11. And this trend does not show any sign of slowing down anytime soon.

千禧一代的崛起导致了全国各地口味,喜好和行为的改变。 年轻的千禧一代将市场推向了极限。 老一辈购买高昂的外国烈酒仅为了特殊场合的饮用或是作为礼物赠予好友。 另一方面,千禧一代认为价格不菲的西方烈酒是一种社会声望,是时髦生活方式的一部分。年轻人还对酒吧文化产生了兴趣,在中国各地的城市中出现了鸡尾酒吧和酒廊等。这是曾经在北京和上海等一线和二线城市复制的西方概念,但如今,深圳,重庆和苏州等地随处可见。 这个时髦的人群正在寻找新的饮酒方式,包括酒吧,节日和特殊活动,如11月11日的“光棍节”。而这一切丝毫没有放缓的迹象。


3. Social Media and Digital Marketing 社交媒体和数字营销

Like everywhere else in the world, social media and digital marketing have greatly facilitated the way business is done. It has made it easier for brands to reach core customers directly, popular Chinese platforms like WeChat and Weibo are full of campaigns for Western brands, who use this method to create a much-needed buzz before their products hit the shelves. This phenomenon has considerably lowered the cost of breaking ground in China as companies and brands easily create a fan base and get feedback before actually launching their products. The same way businesses in other parts of the world cultivate their brand image through Facebook and Twitter, so too is the power of WeChat and Weibo, the Chinese equivalent.

像世界上其他任何地方一样,社交媒体和数字营销极大地促进了业务开展方式。 它使品牌商更容易直接接触核心客户,诸如微信微博等流行的中国社交平台上充斥着针对西方品牌的运动,西方品牌商使用这种方法在他们的产品上架之前就制造了一定的舆论。 这种现象极大地降低了在中国取得突破的成本,因为公司和品牌很容易建立粉丝基础并在实际发布产品之前获得反馈。世界其他地区的企业也通过Facebook和Twitter建立品牌形象,中国微信和微博的力量也是如此。

In addition, considering that the Chinese internet is way larger than the U.S. Internet, e-commerce platforms such as Tmall or Taobao and are a gold mine when it comes to distribution channels. They solve the problem of finding a retailer or distributor for Western liquor brands wanting to enter China and make it possible to reach the end consumer without any investment.


Conclusion 总结

As China’s economy continues to grow at an average of 7-8% each year, the booming liquor market continues to rise massively. Exposure, awareness, and education are helping to drive the demand for premium Western drinks. If you’re not yet part of this highly lucrative and ever-growing market, then you’re missing out. When considering where to expand next, the obvious answer is CHINA.


Feel free to contact us for more details and any questions you may have.



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