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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

Dealing with cultural differences in the workplace.处理工作场所的文化差异

Updated: Apr 15, 2019

What are cultural differences? 什么是文化差异?

Culture is a set of values, practices, traditions or beliefs a group shares, due to age, ethnicity, religion or gender. Cultural differences in the workplace are ways in which beliefs, behaviors, languages, practices, and expressions considered unique to members of a specific ethnicity, race or national origin affect how we interact with each other in the workplace. For example, employees who are younger or older than their co-workers, employees who hold higher degrees than others in the workplace and individuals who grew up in either metropolitan areas or small towns.


In our present-day multicultural society, it’s inevitable to have a culturally diverse workforce. Workplace diversity manuals often mention that employees have more similarities than differences and that existing differences create a more vibrant and rich office but we know they also lead to culture clash resulting in problems. Let’s take a closer look at how we can best handle such cultural differences and create a harmonious workplace that respects individual cultures and promotes unity in diversity.


1. Promote appreciation of cultural differences. 加强对文化差异的欣赏

When employees and co-workers feel heard, understood and represented in the workplace, they thrive and so does the organization. The way to go about this is for co-workers to share aspects of their culture. Make it fun, set aside a special day where employees present their culture to everyone. It could be with food, ceremonies and other aspects of socialization. You can invite employees to write an article about their culture in the company’s newsletter. This kind of routine will create an atmosphere that gives coworkers an opportunity to learn about each other’s culture and appreciate one another better. Multicultural tech companies like Apple and Amazon are known for such practices.


2. Learn your client’s culture. 从客户处学习的文化

If your company is focused on clients of a particular culture, encourage employees to learn the client's culture. This could mean learning a few keywords in a foreign language, how they do business or trying their food. This goes a long way to make everyone feel comfortable as they’re on neutral ground and no one feels left out. Your client's culture can act as a springboard to examine other cultures. Some of your co-workers may share the same cultural background as the client and it will prompt them to talk about their culture. A great example is the case of a well-known multinational organization which we shall not name (just saying), they had a workplace cultural exchange program where they sent employees from their U.S office to China and vice-versa. At the end of the program when they were asked about their impressions, the Chinese employees said they noticed that Americans are obsessed with football and pumpkin-spiced food and the Americans said they noted that Chinese constantly drink hot water and have an excessive number of talents their parents have cultivated from an extremely young age.


So, depending on the number of clients or customers with whom you work and the amount of diversity, it may not be possible for you to learn all the languages, but learning a few greetings and key phrases can make a whole lot of difference.


3. Use Multi-dimensional communication 使用多维通信

People from different cultures use different communication styles. Some cultures influence people to go straight to the point and say what needs to be said while other cultures have a more subtle approach and will circle around before getting to the point. For example, the Western and Chinese modes of communication are at total odds. The previous is direct while the latter is indirect. If an American or European co-worker has something to say, even if it’s not good news, they’ll just say it, as for a Chinese co-worker they’re likely to make suggestions, to imply or give cues without saying it outright. This is how such a conversation will play out:


The American Way: Hey, are you busy? Do you have a moment? Could I talk to you for a minute?


The Chinese Way: Have you eaten yet? It looks like it will rain today, did you bring an umbrella? Could we go for lunch together today?


Understanding the different communication styles and how culture influences them will help to ease frustration and promote understanding for everyone. Communication affects how people handle problems, some cultures are hesitant to give bad news, and other cultures may exaggerate it. An Asian may speak to older coworkers and hierarchy with reverence and respect while the western culture does not really lay emphasis on age as a communication factor in the workplace.


Moreover, it's likely that some of your co-workers are from different continents or countries, and they are still working toward being fluent in English. It's important to learn techniques to work through any existing language barriers for the greater good of the organization.

此外,同事们虽然来自不同的大陆或国家,但他们会使用着统一的英语来流利地工作, 所以,学习解决语言障碍的方法,对于组织的更大获益非常重要。

4. Be accommodating and open-minded. 保持宽容和开放

Regardless of your business type, for there to be success you need to keep an open mind. Certain cultures will require you to go out and drink alcohol as a form of bonding between colleagues or with clients. Others may require specific prayer times you’ll have to consider. Employees may require certain religious holidays to be accommodated into the organization's schedule. Build bridges instead of creating boundaries, if you respect Christmas make sure you do the same for Chinese New Year and Eid. If you're in a position where you schedule meetings, events, work days, etc., have a cultural calendar so you're aware of the different holidays for different cultures. You can obtain cultural calendars for free online, this way everyone learns to appreciate each other’s culture, opinions, and expertise.

无论业务类型如何,只要目的是为了取得成功,必须保持开放的心态。某些文化会要求员工外出喝酒来建立员工之间或与客户之间的关系。而其他人可能需要特定的祈祷时间或礼拜时间,是组织必须考虑到的事情, 所以员工可能需要将某些宗教节日纳入组织的时间表。所以,需要组织去建立桥梁而不是创造边界阻碍。如果组织尊重圣诞节,请确保为中国新年和开斋节做同样的事情。如果有安排会议,活动,工作日等考虑,请制作文化日历,以便了解不同文化的不同假期。可以免费在线获取文化日历,这样每个人都可以学会欣赏尊重彼此的文化,观点和专业知识。

5. Focus on the strengths everybody brings to the table. 专注每个人带来的优势

Bear in mind that the more opinions, the more variety, and the more diversity we bring to the table the more we can be creative. Every employee and coworker has something to offer, you may not agree with their approach but respect it. Research shows that in the future of work, diversity will not be an option, but an imperative to sustain in our global, fast-paced economy. Certain cultures do not accept open criticism or reproach. An example is a Chinese concept of saving face. It’s very important not to lose face and people will go to extreme lengths to preserve face.


Face makes having a simple disagreement or giving criticism, very difficult at times. Not knowing the answer to a question loses face. Asking a question with unsatisfactory answer loses face. Simply put, Chinese communication serves to promote harmony and save everyone from embarrassment or possible dissension. So, with Chinese coworkers, throw no stones and make no waves and all will be bliss. When giving criticism (or wanting feedback), a one-on-one scenario is much more effective, because it takes away the embarrassment of a third party. But with westerners no one really cares, no one will dwell on or take criticism as a direct attack on their honor.


American Criticism: Your presentation is not well thought-out and devoid of any real content, it’s garbage, fix that.


Chinese Criticism: Wow, your presentation came in so quickly, it’s great! Maybe you could consider adding some more specific content.


6. Put aside Cultural stereotypes 抛开文化刻板印象

Engaging in cultural stereotyping is the fastest way to kill a good vibe in your company. But like it or not we all have certain beliefs we were raised with and they most certainly affect the way we interact with others. The first step to getting along with someone is by setting aside what we know and think we know and trying to understand them for who they are. (Sounds like a pep talk?) Well, it’s true, for the sake of harmony avoid using idioms, slang, cultural references and stereotypes to make a point. Culture is a very broad, yet incredibly complex and intricate topic. Making generalizations about a culture can be dangerous, offensive and completely unhelpful.


Summary 总结

The diversity in today's workplace means we must be more sensitive to each other's culture, everyone has to make a conscious effort to express oneself well, be an active listener and tailor what we say to our audience. We recommend you to put these tips to test and see the changes it’ll operate in your workplace. Feel free to reach out to us with feedback on how it goes.



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