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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

How to Break into the Chinese Market 如何打入中国市场

Updated: Dec 22, 2019

China is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, with rising fortunes making it a cost-effective opportunity for any ingenious business looking to expand. Recent studies by China Internet Watch disclose that the purchasing power of Chinese consumers will rise to about $6.5 trillion by 2020.

中国是世界上发展最快的经济体之一,财富的不断增长使它成为一个任何寻求扩张的创新企业的高性价比机会。 《中国互联网观察》最近的研究表明,到2020年,中国消费者的购买力将增至约6.5万亿美元。

Yet the complex business environment, rapidly changing landscape, language barriers, local competition, and bureaucratic nightmare are hurdles that make entry into the market a herculean task. Foreigners often approach it with doubt and fear. Gaining a foothold in this market requires understanding, commitment, and a unique market strategy.

然而,复杂的商业环境,瞬息万变的周遭,语言障碍,本地竞争以及官僚的噩梦是使进入市场成为一项艰巨任务的障碍。 外国人常常带着怀疑和恐惧来对待它。 要在这个市场中立足,就需要理解,认可和独特的市场策略。

Our aim is to ease your first step into this complex market by breaking down the process into strategies that will get you started right away.



1. Identify the local ecosystem.


Chongqing, China

China’s market is distinct, unlike others; it is neither uniform nor homogeneous. The industry landscape varies in province GDP and level of education and lifestyle. Different local dialects used alongside mandarin, increase the chance of misunderstanding.

与其他国家不同,中国的市场与众不同。 它既不均匀也不同性。 行业概况因省内GDP和教育水平及生活方式而异。 与普通话一起使用的各地方言也增加了误解的机会。

Navigating the language and cultural barriers requires the use of simplified Chinese Hanzi (汉字) to leverage local platforms, tailor-make products, and services to fit different consumers in this unique ecosystem.


Some cities like Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, and Fujian have free trade zones and the coastal cities have ports, though, tier 2 cities such as Hangzhou, Suzhou, and Chongqing are easier to enter than the main hubs.



Companies in China take different forms:

● Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprises (WFOE)

● Joint Venture (JV) partnership with a local

● Representative Office

● Franchise

● Transfer technology.








2. Build a brand reputation, visibility, and trust.


Chinese consume products from brands they know and trust; here appearance is everything, put your brand in front of your target to build trust and visibility; use local platforms to attract customers instead of going after them. Your brand has to be visible, you have to be visible, presence is key. Be at social events, organize dinners and meetups; learn how to drink tea, sponsor causes; be out there!


Start small by testing your concept, cut risk by beginning with a minimal viable product (MVP) then expand. Focus on the return on your investment (ROI) until you can adapt your marketing strategy to fit consumer demand and leave room for technical setbacks.



3. Leverage online media and marketing.


Digital marketing should be your ultimate weapon, China has 550 million smartphones and a 65% internet penetration rate. WeChat, Facebook equal, has 877 million daily users. WeChat provides access to an e-wallet service, online stores, pay per click ads and SEO tools you can use to generate traffic. You have other effective instruments like Youku (the Chinese YouTube), Baidu replacing Google, Weibo, Taobao, Tmall and QQ at your fingertips.

电子营销应该是您的终极武器,中国拥有5.5亿部智能手机,互联网普及率达到65%。 与Facebook相当的微信每天有8.77亿用户。 微信提供对电子钱包服务,在线商店,按点击付费广告和SEO工具的访问,您可以使用这些工具来产生流量。 您还有其他有效的工具,例如优酷(中文YouTube),百度可替代Google,微博,淘宝,天猫和QQ。


4. Be flexible and adapt fast.


The market is fast-paced and ever-changing. New government regulations, restrictions, and policies pop up every day. Flexibility and open-mindedness are mandatory. Act fast, keep up, be active and develop what the locals call guanxi (關係), networks and connections to increase your chances of success.

市场节奏日新月异。每天都会出现新的政府法规,限制和政策。灵活性和开放性是必要的。 快速行动,保持精力充沛,保持活跃,并发展当地人所谓的关系,人脉和联系,以增加成功的机会。

Find a local partner to limit barriers and focus on consumer experience. Gather feedback, engage your niche to chat in forums, leave comments and memorable reviews.



5. Hire qualified staff.


Use locals to navigate limitations; create a team of people who understand the language and culture. Pay close attention to trust-worthiness, it goes a long way in China. Due diligence is a must. Carry out background checks, watch local businesses of the same niche to operate and adapt your market strategy.



In conclusion, an in-depth understanding of how to manage these 5 areas is the solution to conquering the giant which is the Chinese market.


We recommend you collaborate with a local consultancy, especially at the beginning. Seeking the right business support and advice is vital. If you’d like to get more information on consulting in China, you can join our email list at


Feel free to contact us for more details and any questions you may have.



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