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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

How to Export products out of China

In recent years, China has grown to become one of the world’s largest economies. Its major exports being Mechanical products, electrical products , high-tech , Labor-intensive industries e.g. clothing, textiles, footwear, furniture, plastic products , ceramic, Motors , generators and Integrated circuits. China's major export partners are The United States, Hong Kong, The European Union and Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea and India.

When exporting products from china, there are loads of potential problems that can occur during the shipping process. Some potential problems that might be encountered are partially filled containers, faulty/fraudulent products, irresponsible local partners, mistakes with specification, language , differences in business practices, among others!


However, the following steps should be taken into account when exporting products out of China:

Find a suitable Product:

This is the first and perhaps the most important step that mustn't be overlooked. You have to know a great deal about the suppliers of that particular product you are interested in so as to be able to make good sound business decisions. Find the best/cheapest source in China.

Know how to source quality goods, the relevant market prices and demand in your market:

Having a good knowledge of the product you're after is very important! Otherwise, you will find yourself in a dilemma when you are shown so many different versions of an item and each seller claiming to have the "best quality/price/service/ deal". Start with a small order , when you're sure you can sell all then go big! Don’t underestimate import duties when calculating your prices and costs. Duties can vary from shipment to shipment. Don’t pay for anything if the supplier doesn't have the stock in hand. Never pay up-front for a wholesale shipment from a supplier you're not familiar with. Some exceptions for the up-front payment rule in cases of multinational companies who you could pursue in courts outside of china. BUYER BEWARE!


  • Find an online supplier:

You can get a supplier either by searching online or meeting them at local trade fairs in China. Or, you can use an agent or consultancy service to solve issues for you. Find an online supplier that has connections with your global region. To ensure that the supplier is trustworthy and reliable, read reviews on their site. Ensure the company has a physical address and working telephone number that you have verified. Learn a few words of Mandarin if you are dealing directly with Chinese business people. Going to China and attempting to haggle a deal yourself without experience or an interpreter is not likely to get you very far. Don't pay international wires or bank transfers unless you have an established relationship with the supplier.


Understand how to get through customs:

Exporting a large quantity of goods without the proper paperwork or accounting for duties would not be good. Be careful with copyright infringement, the status quo is different when it comes to branding . A good thing about using a supplier with an established wholesale network is that they will be able to ship goods through customers legally and timely.

With the points enumerated above, learning how to export products from China should no longer pose a great difficulty for foreigners and those doing business in China. For more detailed guidance and information We recommend you collaborate with a local consultancy especially at the beginning. Seeking the right business support and advice is vital.


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