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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

How to set up a company in China 如何在中国开家公司

Updated: Jan 3, 2020

Wondering what it takes to start a company in China? Well, you are in the right place. And it is a great time to start a business in China. However, Setting up a business in China as a foreigner is a complex task, from language barriers to documentation and bureaucracy is overwhelming. China has 5 major company forms from which to choose. Wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), Joint Venture (JV), Representative Office, Private enterprise and State-owned Enterprise (SOE). They all have different registration procedures and requirements. For your business to succeed, you must understand the different forms, how they operate and which one is the right fit for you.


We will lay out a step by step guide to the 2 main types of companies most foreign businesses set up.



1.Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise (WFOE)


Also known as a foreign-invested enterprise, it is a limited liability company(LLC) with a quota of 25% or more owned by foreigners. Registration of such a company takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months. When it comes to WFOE, ownership could be capitalized by foreign investors and there are 3 types :

❖ Consultancy (service business)WFOE

❖ Manufacturing WFOE

❖ Trading WFOE






These are the steps required to set up a WFOE:


● The first step is to submit your company name in English and Chinese for pre-registration. This is done by a body called SIAC.


● Next, you need to get approved by the ministry of commerce (MOFCOM). For this, you have to provide a pre-registration certificate and the following documents:


Company legal address - It has to be proportionate to the scope of your business. For example, you cannot start a manufacturing company in a one-bedroom apartment.


Feasibility study - Manufacturing companies must comply strictly.


Company organization chart- Management, expertise, and workforce.


An article of association - A statement of the companies intention, profit margin, and repatriation of funds.


Company registered capital - There is no limit to this amount.



● Once you submit all the documents above and they are approved by the government, you will be given a record certificate of foreign investment, use this to apply for a business license from the SIAC.


● The business license is your company’s most important document, make sure it is safe.


● Proceed to register with the Public Security Bureau (PSB) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE). You will need to confirm your company stamps, letterhead, and company chops.


● Next, open a company account and a foreign capital account which you will use to inject capital into your company for all kickstart expenses like a lease, furniture, and office running cost until your company can self-sustain.


● The final registration is at the Tax Bureau to set up a tax scheme for your company, register all financial information like the CFO, accountant, company invoice and tax bracket.


● You can now proceed to hire staff and get down to business.



2. Joint Venture (JV)


This is the second most common type of company foreigners go for. It is an equity partnership with a local for a limited period of time, 30-50 years. The reason for such a company is to exploit local business knowledge, strategic market advantage or technological know-how. JVs usually involve a transfer of technology especially products like software and patented goods.



The registration process of a JV is similar to that of a WFOE except for these few points:


● All documents must be submitted in 2 copies


● The foreign partner provides certified copies of the certificate of incorporation authenticated by a Chinese embassy or consulate.


● Bank statements and reference letters from an overseas investment bank.


● I.D and documentation of his legal representation in China.


● Passport copy, visa, and police registration.


The Chinese partner provides:


● His local company registration and business license.


● A CPA verified the capital report done in China and his last audit report.


● Local company’s lease, letter of association and list of board of directors and Chinese investors.


It should be noted that foreigners are not allowed to go through this process on their own, the requirement is to hire a Chinese registered agency or consulting firm to handle registration. As complicated and time-consuming as this procedure seems, with the right counsel and guidance the whole process can be demystified and tackled in no time at all. For more information do not hesitate to ask us.


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