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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

Local Vs Multinational Brand Building 打造本地品牌与跨国品牌

Updated: Jan 23, 2020

Branding means to create Identity, quality and value for your products. It portrays the character of the business or product that can be seen by the consumer and at such recognize it at an instant. A local brand is your product/business that you have decided to market (distribute and promote) in a relatively restricted and small geographical region.

品牌化意味着为你的产品创造身份,质量和价值。 它描绘了消费者可以看到并立即识别出的企业或产品的特征。 本地品牌是你决定在相对狭小的地理区域内进行营销(分销和促销)的产品/业务。

While a multinational brand on its own is a product/business that is operating or being marketed in several countries but is being managed from one country. It drives at least a quarter of its revenue from operating outside its home country.

跨国品牌本身就是一种产品/业务,该产品/业务在多个国家/地区经营或销售,但由一个国家/地区管理。 它至少有四分之一的收入来自其本国以外的业务。


In building local brands, you should ensure that you put the following factors in place:


Know your target audience: when you want to build a local brand you need to first understand who your brand will be speaking to. Therefore, there is a need for consumer identification.

了解你的目标受众:当你想建立本地品牌时,首先需要了解你的品牌将与谁对话。 因此,有必要对消费者进行身份识别。

Create a message and voice: once you've known your target audience, you can use that information to begin to craft your business, brand message and voice. Most times your company mission and industry determine your brand voice as this will help you create your brand message which is equally important.

建立信息和声音:一旦了解了目标受众,你就可以使用该信息来打造你的业务,品牌信息和声音。 大多数时候,公司的使命和行业决定品牌的声音,因为这将有助于你创建同样重要的品牌信息。

Make your employees your biggest ambassadors: with your brand message and voice in place, you need to ensure that your employees carry this message along with them. This is the reason why it's always important to infuse the message and spirit of your brand into the workforce.

让你的员工成为最主要的践行者:在品牌信息和声音到位的情况下,你需要确保员工随身携带此信息。 这就是为什么要将品牌的信息和精神注入员工队伍中,这点很重要。

Budget management: most small, local businesses often startup with a little amount of money, so mismanaging such funds might lead to the downfall of such a brand or business.


Make your customers influence your brand: in building local brands, you need to ensure that your target customers are properly carried along. Your customers need to help you sell your brands to the public and can help refer your brands to other local consumers.

让你的客户影响你的品牌:建立本地品牌时,你需要确保正确地吸引目标客户。 你的客户需要帮助你向公众销售品牌,并可以帮助你将品牌推荐给其他本地消费者。

Identify your competitor's strengths and weaknesses and use this to build a differentiated brand message or voice within your industry.


Consistency is the key: branding is an ongoing process that never stops throughout the life of your business. So you should consistently develop ideas and strategies that will help your brand grow.

持续性是关键:品牌塑造是一个持续的过程,在你的整个企业生命周期中都不会停止。 因此,您应该始终如一地提出有助于品牌成长的想法和策略。


Multinational brands- developing a multinational brand involves a lot, but it can be easier if you're taking a local approach to implement it across regions and divisions. By taking a local approach, I mean you have to consider the several local regions and markets that you want to take your brand to and implement strategies that are peculiar to these regions alone.

跨国品牌 — 开发跨国品牌涉及很多,但是如果你采用本地化方法进行跨地区和跨部门实施,可能会更容易。 本地化方法,是指你必须对你想要将品牌带入的地区和市场进行考察,并实施该地区特有的策略。

  • Build your brand on reputations: for every business or company, you must have started locally before deciding to widen the periscope of your business. However, your reputation is based on what had happened in the past, while your brand, gives your audience a picture of the future, more like a promise. So to be able to successfully build your brand, you have to get a good reputation for your company, especially where you started.

  • 在声誉上树立品牌:对于每个企业或公司,在决定扩大业务范围之前,你必须先在本地开展业务。 但是,你的声誉是根据过去的情况而定的,而你的品牌则使消费者对未来产生更清晰的形象,这更像是一个承诺。 因此,要想成功建立自己的品牌,就必须在公司(尤其是公司的起点)获得良好的声誉。

  • Get professional assistance: Invest in your staff with training. Give them and yourself the appropriate tools and time to grow or develop stronger skill sets. Demand excellence at each level and promote self-starters. Quality can always be improved, and you should make it a target to always be improving quality standards with attractive incentives. outsource when need and train when you have the time and resources. Invest in your staff with training. Give them and yourself the appropriate tools and time to grow or develop stronger skill sets. Members of your team or company have to go beyond saying they support the brand. They have to teach it, preach it and live it. By this, the younger employees can emulate this attitudinal mindset and invariably spread the brand message across.

  • 寻求专业协助: 在需要时外包,在有时间和资源时进行培训。通过培训对你的员工进行投资。 给他们和你自己适当的工具和时间以成长或发展更强的技能。 在各个层次上要求卓越,并促进自我提升。 质量总是可以提高的,你应该将其作为始终以有吸引力的激励措施来提高质量标准的目标。 你的团队或公司的成员不仅要说他们支持这个品牌,他们必须指导它,宣扬它,并活在其中。通过这种方式,公司里的年轻员工就可以效仿这种态度和心态,并始终将品牌信息传播出去。

  • Get the message simple: when you plan to go multinational, across different nations and cultures, it is pertinent that you take time to build and develop a simple message for your brand, which will easily be understood by the various customers in the different countries.

  • 传达简单的信息:当你计划建立在不同国家地区和文化的跨国公司时,你需要花点时间为你的品牌建立起一条简单的信息,这样才会更容易被不同国家的不同客户所理解。

  • Plan globally, implement locally: this strategy simply means that to build a multinational brand, certain elements of your brand should be centralized. For example, there should be recognition across various countries about your brand and they know where it is coming from. But certain considerations should be made in the local deployment of the brand. So put your foot on the ground in each location where you are planning to operate and observe their marketing, sales and most importantly the local consumers.

  • 全球规划,当地实施:此策略简单地意味着在建立跨国品牌时,你品牌中的某些要素应该集中。 例如,各个国家/地区都应该对你的品牌有所了解,并且他们要知道品牌的来源。 但是在当地部署品牌时应考虑某些特别因素。 因此,请在计划运营的每个地区站稳脚跟,并观察他们的市场营销,销售情况,尤其是当地消费者。

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