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  • Writer's pictureQuentin Sterling

Spirits Regulations in China 中国酒类经营法规

Like most countries around the world, China is no stranger to rules and regulations governing alcoholic beverages, including spirits. In China, said regulations are put in place by the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) [1]. The most recent version of this regulation is the Food Safety Law of China [2] issued in2009 and amended in 2018. Alongside this law, the MOFCOM also issued two documents aimed at instructing alcohol business entities as they undertake the purchasing, selling, distributing and the storage of alcoholic beverages in China. The documents are titled Management standard for alcohol commodities retailing and Management standard for alcohol commodities wholesale.




At the same time, there are regional administrative bodies, such as provincial governments, who also have local spirits regulations which are complementary to those of the MOFCOM. All these documents make it tricky to navigate to China’s liquor market. And anyone interested in exporting alcohol to China must become familiar with these administrative rules and regulations. As complex as it may sound, rest assured it's not rocket science, there are ways to navigate the slippery slope of the Chinese alcoholic beverages Market without crashing, even as a newbie. Here are some of the guidelines you need to master to get you started.



Taxation and Duty Levies


The 2018 amendment did not change much from the previous years, according to the China Customs & National Taxation Bureau, Excise taxes on wine and spirits are charged by value while beer and rice wine are charged by volume (RMB per liter of pure alcohol). This simply means : Import tariff = CIF x 14%Excise tax = [ (CIF + import tariff) / (1 – 10%)] x 10%Value-Added Tax = (CIF + import tariff + excise tax) x 17%


关税 = CIF× 14% 

消费税 = [(CIF+ 关税)/ (1 - 10%)] x 10%

增值税 = (CIF+ 关税+ 消费税)x 17%


Customs Requirements for Labeling


Packaging and labeling is an essential part of exporting alcoholic drinks to China when it comes to spirits, in particular, the rules are strict and must be followed to the letter. China’s General Administration of Customs (GAC) subjects all imported foods to inspection and for it to pass inspection and receive a clearance certificate, the following information must be present on the label, in Chinese:


i) Name/Brand of Product


ii) Ingredients List e.g (Sweeteners, preservatives and added color), the only exception is for products made of one ingredient


iii) Net Volume, marked either in (ml) or Liters(l) for bottles over a liter


iv) The minimum print height is 3mm for small bottles and 6mm for bigger bottles


v) It must indicate the Alcohol Content (%), using the Alcoholic strength xx.x% vol’ format


vi) Production Date in (yy/mm/dd) format


vii) Producer/Distributor/Importer (Name and address of the Chinese agent, importer or distributor must be shown)


viii) Country of Origin


ix) Minimum Durability Date


x) And finally, mandatory Warning Statements: The following and other warnings must be on the bottle in Chinese: "Excessive drinking is harmful to health" or "Pregnant women and children shall not drink"  



Required Documentation


A number of documents are required to back your claims on the label, for example, you need to provide a Certificate of Origin, stamped, and dated by a competent authority from the product's country of origin to confirm it’s origin, a certificate of health/Sanitation, signed by any government entity such as the chamber of commerce, etc.


These are all the documents you need to provide:


• Commercial Invoice


• Customs Value Declaration


• FreightInsurance/Documents


• Packing List


• Insurance Certificate


• Certificate of Authenticity/Free Sale (for distilled spirits and malt beverages) 


• Certificate of Health/Sanitation (for distilled spirits and malt beverages)


• Certificate of Origin (for distilled spirits and malt beverages)



Licensing and Registration


The competent authority in charge of licensing and registration for alcoholic beverage products entering China is the Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine(AQSIQ).


Every importer must submit an application to the Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and register on-line via Upon review, the importer is assigned a serial number and added to the database of approved importers, the list can be viewed on the  AQSIQ website.


Per the 2009 Food Safety Law, it’s also mandatory to register and obtain a Filing Code (registration number) electronically via this website: registration form can be filled out in English.





The recent trade war between the U.S and China has greatly impacted the international liquor scene, there’s no denying that the ongoing tariffs have affected imported spirits in China. So, any company willing to do business in the current economic climate has to, first of all, identify the harmonized tariff schedule number for their product then use the number to find the tariff amount for their particular product.


Tax rates for wine and distilled spirits are based on an Import tax, Value-added Tax (VAT), and Consumption Tax. The rates are compiled into a formula that is used to determine the effective tax rate and the can be found on the World TradeOrganization Website.





These are the 5 main areas you need to be versed in if you want to succeed as an importer in the Chinese liquor market. However, you can decide to use the services of an agent. There are lots of agencies inChina who can hold your hand through the different stages or handle everything from A to Z depending on your preference. You should bear in mind that whichever route you decide to take, all the information you provide must be truthful, accurate and non-misleading in any way. Any disparity in the information you provide will attract the kind of attention you don’t need in China. So, to end on a positive note, What’s stopping you from starting your own liquor company in China? Nothing at all.


For more information do not hesitate to ask us.



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